熱度 6|
A unique spiral structure encircling a dying star has been captured by scientists for the first time.
The spectacular picture is one of the first to come from the world’s most expensive ground-based telescope which produces images ten times sharper than Hubble.
It was built to study molecular clouds like the one around the red giant R Sculptoris which is 780 light years from Earth.
okmijn1425: ~死星~(我的英文很菜...翻譯文)
~~基因所建造的環繞死星.第一次盤旋是科學的重大發現.驚人照片是用世上最昂貴的地面導航設備望眼鏡所拍攝.也有人認為是製造出來 ...
okmijn1425: ~死星~(我的英文很菜...翻譯文)
~~基因所建造的環繞死星.第一次盤旋是科學的重大發現.驚人照片是用世上最昂貴的地面導航設備望眼鏡所拍攝.也有人認為是製造出來 ...
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